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Posts sorted by Sprott School of Business

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Learning on the Job: Tori Burns, MBA Candidate

Tori Burns is an MBA student at the Sprott School of Business and is currently completing a summer internship at PharmaXilia Inc. Tori Burns is…

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Learning on the Job: Ru Wang, MBA Candidate

Ru Wang is an MBA student at the Sprott School of Business and is currently completing a virtual summer internship…

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“A fantastic ride”: Nicolas Papadopoulos bids adieu, sort of

A former manager in international firms, a world-renowned researcher, a passionate professor, and a true pioneer in the evolution of…

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Sprott School of Business’ Linda Duxbury discusses the reality of working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic

Working at home during COVID isn’t the nirvana some companies are making it out to be. As the economy reopens,…

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40 years of a journey: Darrell Herauf retires from the Sprott School of Business

From being “a shy little farm boy from Saskatchewan who didn’t say ‘boo’ in class” to becoming a beloved professor,…

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Sprott School of Business grads awarded Sprott summer research internships

This summer, three new graduates are completing research internships at Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business and working on projects…

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Crisis management and COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is a historic milestone at many levels and has launched the world into crisis management mode—all individuals…

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Great Grads 2020: Megan Suitor, BIB/20

On June 19th, Carleton University approved this year's list of graduates! While celebrations have moved online this year, it gives…

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Great Grads 2020: Harsh Vaniawala, MBA/20

On June 19th, Carleton University approved this year's list of graduates! While celebrations have moved online this year, it gives…

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Great Grads 2020: Hibo Osman, BCom/20

On June 19th, Carleton University approved this year's list of graduates! While celebrations have moved online this year, it gives…

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Great Grads 2020: Allan Ngo, BCom/20

On June 19th, Carleton University approved this year's list of graduates! While celebrations have moved online this year, it gives…

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Great Grads 2020: Julia Smith, BIB/20

On June 19th, Carleton University approved this year's list of graduates! While celebrations have moved online this year, it gives…

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