Posts sorted by research

Isaac Otchere secures support for research about share-splitting
Isaac Otchere, professor of finance at the Sprott School of Business, has been awarded a SSHRC Bridge grant, one of…

Mohamed Al Guindy Establishes Infrastructure Support Precedent for Sprott Researchers
Mohamed Al Guindy, Assistant Professor, Finance, Sprott School of Business at Carleton University. Congratulations to Assistant Professor of Finance Mohamed…

Triad of SSHRC Insight Grants brings almost $600K of new research funding to Sprott
Three faculty members from the Sprott School of Business have received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council…

Sprott School of Business Welcomes New Faculty Members
The Sprott School of Business at Carleton University is pleased to announce the addition of several faculty members to its…

The Social Finance Fund and Common Approach Come Together to Drive Change in Canada
A prominent pioneer in the world of impact measurement, Associate Professor of Accounting Kate Ruff is on a mission to…

2023 Winner of Sprott Publication Award
Congratulations to Professor Luciara Nardon (International Business), who has been awarded the 2023 Carol-Ann Tetrault Sirsly Award (the Sprott Publication…

Sprott Students Awarded Scholarships for Women in Business and STEM
Award recipients Shahrzad Kahrizi and Aanya Baindur (center) pictured with Sprott School of Business and Zonta Club of Ottawa representatives.…

Showcasing Carleton’s Technology Innovation Talent
On May 16, members of Ottawa's tech sector enjoyed a morning filled with excitement, inspiration, and connection as projects and…

Sprott School of Business Students Receive Provost Scholar Awards for their Impact
Sprott School of Business students Elisa Zhengand Sakina Janmohamedreceived Provost Scholar Awards for their outstanding contributions and achievements at Carleton…

Data Day 9.0: Carleton University Hosts Conference on the Data-Driven Economy
On April 25, 2023, experts from academia and industry gathered to explore the latest developments in data science and analytics…

Understanding Social Media's Influence on the Economy
Social media’s influence on financial markets has connected the economy in unpredictable ways. Tweets from users with little to no…

Ahmed Doha and Jinsun Bae receive SSHRC Explore grants
As a service within the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International), the Carleton Office for Research Initiatives and Services…
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