Posts sorted by CPA

Sprott MAcc grads earn a place on the CPA National Honour Roll
Top one per cent in Canada - Devin Fraser (BCom/17, MAcc/18), Alex Samaroo (MAcc/18) and Michael Chiumera (BCom/17, MAcc/18) earned…

Professional Accounting Research Group connects academics and practitioners
Earlier this year, accounting professor François Brouard helped create the Professional Accounting Research Group (PARG), which serves as a bridge…

Sprott faculty recognized for research achievements
Faculty at the Sprott School of Business are active researchers who explore complex management issues through applied, interdisciplinary research. Two…

Congratulations to Sprott alumni who passed the CPA Accreditation Exam
Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) recognized 1,011 candidates who successfully passed the Common Final Examination (CFE). Among the successful CFE…

Professor Merridee Bujaki honoured with CPA’s highest distinction
Merridee Bujaki, Associate Professor of Accounting, has been elected as Fellow of CPA Ontario. Fellowship is the accounting profession’s highest…

Sprott School launches CPA-accredited Master of Accounting
This is an exciting time for the accounting profession as Canada’s accounting professionals are coming together as one strong, single…

Alumnus Bijan Toufighi earns place on national honour roll for CPA accounting exam
Alumnus Bijan Toufighi (BCom/12) has made the prestigious Honour Roll of the Chartered Professional Accountants 2013 Uniform Exam (UFE), which…
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