Great Grads 2019: Nick Carson, BCom/19
On June 10, we will celebrate the class of 2019 as our newest graduates cross the Carleton University Convocation stage to receive their degrees. To make this special occasion, we’ve asked some of our grads to reflect on their time in the Sprott School of Business.

Nick Carson is graduating from the Bachelor of Commerce program with a concentration in Marketing.
If you could choose one word to sum up your time at Sprott, what is it and why?
Progress – I think that my time at Sprott can be represented by the word Progress. It’s a word that can be applied to my own journey at Sprott, because it depicts a process of successes and failures. The Sprott School of Business at Carleton University was the perfect place for me to pursue my Bachelor of Commerce degree, and progress towards career and life goals. Very rarely people are on a direct path to success, but I think I made progress towards the future I want at Sprott.
What were your goals when you started at Sprott? Did you achieve them?
One of my goals from my first day in Ottawa, was to imagine the type of life I wanted to live and work towards that. Over my time at Sprott, that vision of the life I wanted to live changed several times, but I realized there were a few constants that I couldn’t live without. One of those things was developing a strong support group of people that challenge, motivate, and care for you. Moving to Ottawa and relatively not knowing anyone was intimidating. However after going out of my comfort zone and meeting new people I was truly able to achieve my goal of making Ottawa my home away from home for four years.
What is your favourite Sprott memory?
My favourite memory at Sprott was the end of year Sprott Galas. They were always a highlight for me, because each one was a reminder of the new friends, I had made in each of my years at Sprott. Those nights were always just a great time to relax before the upcoming exams, and just enjoy a fun evening with friends!
What was your favourite course or professor?
Rob Riordan’s BUSI 3800 – Business Case Analysis (case competition class)
- Just a great class that had important content that I’ve used in jobs already. The caliber of students in this class was also very high and motivated me to do well. Rob (retired) was a strong professor who put in a lot of extra work outside of the class room, and we all benefited from it. I owe him a lot!
Dr. Leighann Neilson’s BUSI 4209 – Consumer Culture Theory
- This was course that really opened my eyes to the sociological affects that marketing has on society, and really sparked my interest. Leighann is an amazing professor who has done extraordinary work in her field; however, she was always so down to earth and approachable. I have a lot of respect for her and have highly recommended her courses to fellow students.
What was the most important lesson you learned during your time at Sprott?
Going out of your comfort zone is the only way you’ll grow, and more often than not that means failing. On my first day at Carleton, a key note speaker told us: “You have two jobs for your next four years here at university. Job number 1 – Get good grades. Job Number 2 – Make those good grades, the least impressive thing about you.” This stuck with me, and I always looked back to it, when I felt like becoming too complacent or stressing over school too much. The grades were important, but the story that you can tell about yourself is the most impressive thing about you.

What will you miss the most?
I will miss the ‘out of class room’ experiences that Sprott made so readily available to all of us. From being a varsity athlete, volunteering for Sprosh, going to conferences, joining DECA, JDCC, Sprott Competes, and even starting the Raven’s Sports Business Club on campus, Sprott and Carleton gave us the tools to succeed. I’ll also miss all the friendships and memories made while participating in those experiences.

What’s next for you?
Currently working at Canadian Tire Head office in their Marketing Department. Trying to stay up to date on the marketing world, and continuously trying to find opportunities to grow and innovate in industries that I’m passionate about.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the Sprott community?
I wouldn’t be graduating without some amazing people, who have supported me along the way. Thank you to the Business Career Management Center, Sprott Faculty and Admin Staff, my fellow students, Carleton Athletics Marketing Department, the Varsity Ravens Rowing Team, Sprott Competes, JDCC, DECA, Sprott Marketing Student Association, the Ravens Sports Business Club, and the Ottawa community. Lastly thank you to my friends and family who truly have stuck with me for four years of last-minute assignments, I can’t thank you enough!!

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