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Posts sorted by business education

Misshapen and ugly carrots on wooden table at street market

How Marketing Classes Can Rescue Ugly Produce From Becoming Food Waste

Narmin Tartila Banu, Carleton University; Aron Darmody, Carleton University, and Leighann C. Neilson, Carleton University At a time of rising…

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Students Rate Carleton’s Sprott School as a Transforming School in UN Positive Impact Rating

Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business was recognized for its societal impact when the Positive Impact Rating (PIR) 2023 Report was launched…

Female and male student working on a project in Carleton's Kanata North space.

EY Canada works with Carleton’s Sprott School of Business to reimagine the future of business education

Today, EY Canada and Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business announce their collaboration to foster talent and leadership development for…

An exterior shot of the Juno Beach Centre

Lest We Forget: Sprott student consultants working with Juno Beach Centre in France

This year June 6 marks the 78th anniversary of D-Day – the largest combined operation in history and a pivotal…

Lorraine Monteiro in front of a Cuso International exhibit.

When success means doing good in the world

Originally published in The Globe and Mail  Lorraine Monteiro graduated from Carleton University's Sprott School of Business in 2014, and…

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