Posts sorted by Bachelor of International Business
Five Sprott students awarded EDC International Business Scholarships
Five Sprott undergraduate students are among 30 recipients of 2013 International Business Scholarship from Export Development Canada (EDC). Valued at…
Sprott students win silver and bronze at international case competitions
Two teams of Sprott undergraduate business students recently travelled to Europe to compete against some of the world’s top business…
The Fund @ Sprott: An investment in real-world success
Real Funds and Real Experience Result in Big Returns for Students Today’s class assignment? Work out a great investment strategy.…
Marketing students show their love for Ottawa-Gatineau #OttGatLove
Students in Marketing: New Tools and Approaches (BUSI 3204) are taking part in a local social media campaign that is…
Sprott shines at JDC Central 2013
This past weekend, Sprott students competed in JDC Central 2013 at Dalhousie University in Halifax. The team brought home first…
What is leadership? Sprott students respond through art
Students in Professor Troy Anderson’s fourth year leadership course (BUSI 4112) were challenged to put their creativity on display and…
Sprott students advance to finals in NIBS Worldwide Case Competition
A team of Sprott undergraduates has advanced to the championship round in the NIBS Worldwide Case Competition, which takes place…
International business student working with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Grameen Bank in Bangladesh
Kendra Thorogood is a fourth year Bachelor of International Business student who is learning first-hand about microfinance and the tremendous…
A Global Opportunity: Jonathan Murray (BIB/09)
Sprott School of Business alumnus Jonathan Murray has seen a lot for a 23-year-old. From meeting with potential clients in…
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