Sprott School of Business welcomes sixth full-time cohort for its Master of Accounting program
From May 6-8, 61 incoming students of Sprott School of Business’ Master of Accounting (MAcc) program went through a virtual orientation session and are now undertaking their first semester of the program entirely online over the summer.
With a virtual meet and greet with the faculty being held on May 11, all efforts are being made to ensure students have the best experience possible in this unique situation.

Launched in 2015, the MAcc is a rigorous, CPA accredited, program that provides students a gateway to a career as a professional accountant. Graduates of this program are exempt from the CPA Canada Professional Education Program (PEP) and proceed directly to the Common Final Examination (CFE) which is the final test before they can become a Chartered Professional Account (CPA).
The program has proven to be highly successful at preparing candidates for the rigourous CFE. From 2018-2019, five MAcc graduates earned a place on the CFE Honour Roll – which recognizes the top one per cent of all those who successfully write the exam across Canada.

The MAcc also goes beyond the CPA professional requirements by providing students with all four competencies in the accounting field: assurance, tax, finance and performance management.
To obtain this master’s degree – which has had 173 graduates to date – students can follow, either, the full-time stream which is delivered over two consecutive summers of study and includes an internship in the fall following the first summer. Or, they can opt for the part-time stream, which is delivered in the evenings over 24 months and begins in the fall.
Employers who would like to recruit MAcc students for an internship, please contact Devon Prelaz. To learn more about the internship and employer requirements, please visit our internship page for employers.