Great Grads 2019: Chris-Dale Murphy, BCom/19
On June 10, we will celebrate the class of 2019 as our newest graduates cross the Carleton University Convocation stage to receive their degrees. To make this special occasion, we’ve asked some of our grads to reflect on their time in the Sprott School of Business.

Chris-Dale Murphy is graduating from the Bachelor of Commerce program with a concentration in Accounting.
If you could choose one word to sum up your time at Sprott, what is it and why?
At Sprott, you get numerous opportunities to meet and work with a lot of people: classmates, group members (MVST ft. N Consulting), Sprott Student Ambassadors, professors, professionals at networking events, the team in the Sprott Undergraduate Office, the Business Career Management Centre (BCMC) team, accounting students who enjoy Montana’s and going to Winterlude for the first time, and so on.

What were your goals when you started at Sprott? Did you achieve them?
To be honest, I didn’t really have any goals when I started out at Sprott. Early on, something I wanted to do was take an American Sign Language (ASL) course. I’m glad to say that I took four ASL courses here, during my last four academic terms.
What is your favourite Sprott memory?
One great memory was getting the opportunity to go to Guelph at the start of this year, as an external volunteer for JDCC. However, my favourite memory would probably be with my friend, Zac Ramsay, when we were going to an on-campus event. Outside of the River Building (now Richcraft), we saw, talked with, and got a picture with Carleton Alumni James Duthie from TSN.
What was your favourite course or professor?
My favourite course(s) were probably the American Sign Language (ASL) courses that I had taken. Each one was a lot of fun and very interactive. Linear Algebra was great too. (Mathematics is my favourite subject.) I wouldn’t say that I had a favourite professor. However, Krishna Madaparthi (ASL), Shauna Smolnicky (ASL), Dr. Linda Schweitzer and Dr. Kate Ruff (Business Case Analysis) were great. Jeremy Brzozowski (International Business) brought a lot of energy to our class, and Taking Care of International Business was fun.
What was the most important lesson you learned during your time at Sprott?
The little victories matter! Whether it is disciplining yourself to stop watching YouTube and do some homework, or finishing an assignment early, or finding a job/volunteer opportunity that is not in your field, take the victories, regardless of how large or small they are.

What will you miss the most?
I will miss the Sprott Student Ambassador Program the most. I’ve been a part of the program for the last four years and it has been great; from volunteering at the Black Tie Bingo events to helping out on a couple of occasions in the Sprott Undergraduate Office. This has been an outstanding group to be a part of, and I would recommend it to everyone. A big thank you to Sarah Koch and Jacky Duong when I first started in the program.
What’s next for you?
I will be starting to work on a full-time basis at the Canada Revenue Agency, and pursuing a CPA designation is in the back of my mind.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the Sprott community?
God has been very gracious on many occasions. The Sprott community is great. I am extremely glad to have gone to the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University.
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