Great Grads 2019: Briauna Bowen, BCom/19
On June 10, we will celebrate the class of 2019 as our newest graduates cross the Carleton University Convocation stage to receive their degrees. To make this special occasion, we’ve asked some of our grads to reflect on their time in the Sprott School of Business.

Briauna Bowen is graduating from the Bachelor of Commerce program with a concentration in Marketing and a Minor in Spanish.
If you could choose one word to sum up your time at Sprott, what is it and why?
Rewarding, because there is so much to experience and accomplish at Sprott! If you put yourself out there, you leave feeling so fulfilled about your past four years here.
What were your goals when you started at Sprott? Did you achieve them?
When I first started at Sprott, I didn’t really have any set goals, I just told myself to enjoy the next few years and see where my time takes me. In the end I think I did just that, I did whatever I could to have the best time possible at Sprott. I just wanted to learn and have fun, and so I ended up achieving my only goal just naturally.
What is your favourite Sprott memory?
This is a tough question, my favourite Sprott memory would have to be being on the SBSS (Sprott Business Students’ Society) for my last two years. There were endless good times and laughs all wrapped into that experience, which I wouldn’t trade for the world.

What was your favourite course or professor?
I actually had two favourite courses at Sprott, the first being BUSI 4111 Training & Development with Dr. Rob Smart & Dr. Troy Anderson, and the second being BUSI 3117 Developing Creative Thinking (Tanzania), again with professor Troy Anderson. Both of these courses allowed me to learn so much about myself as a person and as a student, and about the world around me. They were absolutely invaluable experiences with two amazing professors.

What was the most important lesson you learned during your time at Sprott?
The most important lesson I learned while at Sprott was to not be afraid to push myself. I would not have been able to experience half the things I did without stepping outside of my comfort zone and just going for it.
What will you miss the most?
Hands down, I will miss all the people the most. From fellow students to faculty and staff, Sprott is a forever home and everyone is so happy to have you there. Stepping off the elevator on the seventh floor of Dunton, you can always feel the #SprottLove and see the friendly faces, which I’ll for sure miss.
What’s next for you?
After graduation, I’ll be working at Public Safety Canada and also leading the JDCC Sprott 2020 team with my co-captain Dana Quinn for the competition next January.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the Sprott community?
My only last words would be to have fun! Sprott and Carleton really do have something for everyone, so I encourage the Sprott community to go out and find whatever it is that will make their time at school memorable.
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