Learning How to Research
Liam Hoselton is a third year Bachelor of International Business at Carleton University. He is pursuing a concentration in international marketing and trade, and a minor in German. He is currently on his program mandated year abroad in Freiburg, Germany.
Now, I know what you must be thinking, “how can I take part of research program when I’ve never done research before?” But, you need not worry. The Sprott Summer Research Program is designed to teach you the skills and tools necessary to be a proper researcher!

Prior to having done this program I had no real research experience. However, over the duration of this program I quickly became proficient with data collection, organization and analysis, as well as developed skills in data analysis software such as Dedoose and Excel. I was also introduced to a number of different research methodologies and how to identify which research method is best for which study. Overall, this program is perfect for anyone looking to learn about the world of research, gain useful knowledge within an area of their choosing, develop skills for graduate school, and/or expand their resume with meaningful employment and applicable skills.
For my research I conducted an exploratory study into the first hand narratives of migrants and refugees from around the world. This study was done under supervision of Professor Luciara Nardon who is an expert in the field of global mobility, migrants and refugees. Together we identified a branch of the UN’s International Organization of Migration known as I Am a Migrant (IAAM) as an optimal source for the study. IAAM’s purpose is to promote, advocate and provide insight into the inclusion and integration of migrants within society. This is done by providing migrants and refugees with a platform in which they can share their migratory experience. My tasks for this research project included data collection, organization and analysis using the qualitative data analysis software Dedoose. I also met with my supervisor regularly to discuss research findings and further analysis, and I wrote a report describing the data and findings.
The most significant finding of this research has been the development of a new categorization system for migrants based on their experience. This categorization system resulted in 13 distinct types of migrants based on their migratory patterns and circumstances.
The outcome of this project is the data will be used to benefit two current ongoing research projects at Sprott; one of which is Professor Nardon’s current study on refugees and the other is related to migrant integration methods. For myself, other than the skills and knowledge that I gained from having done this study, I am going to use this research project to help my chances at attending graduate school; where I hope to study international law with a focus on human rights.
Being given the opportunity by this program to work alongside a Sprott researcher is one that I greatly appreciate. I gained a lot of insight into the world of research and how research is facilitated within an organization such as Sprott. A personal highlight of my experience has been working alongside Professor Nardon, who taught me the importance that research and pursuit of knowledge has upon the world. Overall, I am greatly appreciative for this newfound awareness that the Sprott Summer Research Program has given me.
I learnt a lot from this experience. I feel like I’ve grown significantly as a person over the course of these last few months. Having read over 700 stories of migratory experiences, my world view has expanded and my appreciation for my current position in life has grown significantly. It was a very interesting experience doing research on migrants, and one that I cherish very much. This research was done during the months leading up to my own migratory experience, a year abroad in Germany, and it has been incredibly helpful in developing an understanding of the potential challenges that I could face and methods I can use to aid my integration. I have developed a number of practical skills that are applicable within multiple facets of life. Overall, I’ve enjoyed my time conducting research on behalf of Sprott. I couldn’t recommend the Sprott Undergraduate Summer Research Program enough.