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Graduating Sprott Students

Now that you’ve graduated, you’ll always be a part of the Sprott Community! Stay connected with your Sprott family in a variety of ways.

Join our LinkedIn group
Stay in touch with other fellow Sprott Grads around the world. Join our Sprott School of Business Alumni group

Follow us on Twitter!
Get updates, recent Sprott Alumni news and stay in touch with us on Twitter @SprottAlumni

We love to stay in touch with our grads in Ottawa, as well as many other cities, and visit whenever we can. Our next stops are Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver, beginning in Fall 2013. Be sure to stay tuned to our Alumni events to see when we are coming to your city next!

Did you attend our recent Toronto Alumni event? The photos are now up on our Flickr stream.

Business CareerManagement Centre
Have you graduated in the last two years? You still have access to our Business Career Management Centre services. Contact BCMC to find out more!

Sprott Alumni
Make sure you update your contact information with our Sprott Alumni Officer Jennifer Gray to get all the latest Alumni information and find out when we’ll be in your city next! Jennifer is also your first point of contact for anything Alumni related, so feel free to send her an email!