Here is where you’ll find videos featuring Sprott research, business insights from our faculty, The Conversation Canada articles by Sprott researchers, and Carleton Newsroom stories about the exciting work that’s happening at Sprott.
Accounting and Finance
Dread doing your taxes: Some tips on hiring someone to take over
Investigating internal audit in the Canadian public sector
Social impact measurement: How tools influence assessments
Improving public sector accounting and financial management
Accounting for cannabis
Understanding social media’s influence on the economy
How does social media shape financial markets?
Quel nouveau cadre comptable pour repondre aux defis environnementaux?
It’s time to train accountants in sustainability
What is sustainability accounting? What does ESG mean? We have answers
To clean up Hockey Canada, financial transparency is a must
ESG bonuses are on the rise: Are they improving sustainability or just increasing executive wealth?
Sustainable Accounting and Finance Conference
AI, Analytics, and Systems
Digital wellness: How social media influencers affect mental health
Understanding social media’s influence on the economy
How does social media shape financial markets?
Rewarding your shopping loyalty with points
Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Management
How Marketing Classes Can Rescue Ugly Produce From Becoming Food Waste
Dread doing your taxes: Some tips on hiring someone to take over
Rewarding your shopping loyalty with points
Shopping for the holidays? Keep your distance from retail workers
The dark side of social media influencing
Corporate Governance
Why do some organizations’ boards fail? The answer might lie in how directors perceive their expertise and responsibilities
From Home to Corner Office: How work-life programs influence women’s managerial representation in Japan
Managers can learn from supervising remote workers during the coronavirus
Immigrant women are falling behind during the COVID-19 pandemic
Shopping for the holidays? Keep your distance from retail workers
Emoji power: How a [exploding head] or a [clapping hands] fuel social media engagement, especially amid COVID-19
8 ways business managers can use fiction to prepare for the uncertain reality of coronavirus
How to cope with pandemic fatigue by imagining metaphors
How business accelerators can help new startups succeed after COVID-19
Internationalization and Migration
Immigration, communities, and the economy
Immigrant women are falling behind during the COVID-19 pandemic
Emoji power: How a [exploding head] or a [clapping hands] fuel social media engagement, especially amid COVID-19
Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation
Supporting Indigenous economic development
How business accelerators can help new startups succeed after COVID-19
Sustainability and Social Impact
How Marketing Classes Can Rescue Ugly Produce From Becoming Food Waste
Digital wellness: How social media influencers affect mental health
Social impact measurement: How tools influence assessments
Do you know who makes your trendy outfits?
Quel nouveau cadre comptable pour repondre aux defis environnementaux?
It’s time to train accountants in sustainability
As climate changes, the way we build homes must change too
What is sustainability accounting? What does ESG mean? We have answers
To clean up Hockey Canada, financial transparency is a must
ESG bonuses are on the rise: Are they improving sustainability or just increasing executive wealth?
Sustainable Accounting and Finance Conference
Work Environments
From Home to Corner Office: How work-life programs influence women’s managerial representation in Japan
Managers’ accountability on social media
Do you know who makes your trendy outfits?
Remote, hybrid, or in-office?
Managers can learn from supervising remote workers during the coronavirus
8 ways business managers can use fiction to prepare for the uncertain reality of coronavirus
Well, actually: Mansplaining is a problem in the workforce