Posts sorted by PhD in Management

Carleton University opens campus-wide entrepreneurship accelerator for students and new grads
On Thursday, December 12, Carleton University celebrated the opening of Carleton Entrepreneurs, a campus-wide venture accelerator that helps Carleton students…

Sprott PhD candidate wins second place in Three Minute Thesis Competition
Masters and doctoral students battled for top honours in Carleton’s inaugural Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) on Wednesday, March 27.…

Sprott research team evaluating mobile technology implementation at the Ottawa Hospital
Researchers in Sprott's Centre for Information Technology, Organizations and People (CITOP) are working with the Ottawa Hospital to study the…

Sprott Professors honoured with Graduate Mentor Awards
Carleton University's 2012 Faculty Graduate Mentoring Awards were announced on January 15, 2013. Sprott professors Linda Duxbury and Nicolas Papadopoulos were…

Sprott School receives top honour at ASAC 2012
The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) presented the Sprott School with its top award for research achievement at ASAC's…
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