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Posts sorted by Linda Duxbury

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Demographic change is coming. Are you ready?

Here’s a scary statistic: by 2016, Canada is going to face a skilled-labour shortage of about 300,000 people. Even scarier?…

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SSHRC announces grants to Carleton students and faculty totalling more than $2.5 Million

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) has announced funding for more than 60 Carleton University researchers. The funding…

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A sympathetic response; 'Compassion fatigue' on the rise, as more people care for elders

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'Sandwich generation' increasingly trapped by work-life overload

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Carleton releases national study on the work-life experiences of employed caregivers

A major Canadian study by Carleton University’s Linda Duxbury and Christopher Higgins at Western University, prepared in partnership with Desjardins…

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Workplace meltdown

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Looming trades shortage means higher prices for home

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Sprott research team evaluating mobile technology implementation at the Ottawa Hospital

Researchers in Sprott's Centre for Information Technology, Organizations and People (CITOP) are working with the Ottawa Hospital to study the…

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Have helicopter parents reached a new low?

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Sprott Professors honoured with Graduate Mentor Awards

Carleton University's 2012 Faculty Graduate Mentoring Awards were announced on January 15, 2013. Sprott professors Linda Duxbury and Nicolas Papadopoulos were…

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Year in Ideas: As breadwinner women hit the mainstream, feminists look back at the men left behind

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The decline of men? Actually, it’s a release

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