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Study Abroad Questionnaire

Study Abroad Questionnaire

The information you provide will be used in compiling a ‘fact sheet’ to help prospective BIB & B.Com. students prepare for their upcoming year of study abroad. Please give descriptive and accurate detail/information. The last two fields ask you to reflect on your exchange and to offer advice to us at Carleton for improving students’ experience while abroad, in particular at your host institution.

Your Program(Required)
Please provide as MM/DD/YY — MM/DD/YY
Please provide as MM/DD/YY — MM/DD/YY
Please provide as MM/DD/YY — MM/DD/YY
Please provide as MM/DD/YY — MM/DD/YY
Please provide as MM/DD/YY — MM/DD/YY
Please provide as MM/DD/YY — MM/DD/YY
Please provide as MM/DD/YY — MM/DD/YY (comma separate multiple date ranges)
What date did you arrive?
What date did you leave? Or anticipate leaving?
Did you return to Canada for a visit during the academic year?

Arrival and Orientation

Cost of Living, Finances

What was your approximate cost of living per month for the following items? (in Canadian Dollars)
Including utilities.
Including meals out
Internet costs, cell phone, home phone, cable, etc.
Bus pass, subway tickets, etc.
Laundry, toiletries, etc. (Give breakdown below. Do not include travel and entertainment costs)
Return trip, to the host city and back home again
Eg: Was your ticket open-return, or was it two separate one-way tickets? Describe your route, including train or bus to get there.
What did you pay for school-related materials and services? (in total for the year, in Canadian dollars)
Including photocopying
Give breakdown below
(in Canadian dollars)
(in Canadian dollars)
Include amounts
How did you access money from home?
Did you have the opportunity to work in a part-time job?
Include hours and pay

Social Environment

Describe its size, location, and general surroundings. Describe your living location with respect to the location of the school.
Please include both university-planned activities and your own informal activities.

Academic Culture and Practices

Describe your host university in the following areas. Please give as much detail as possible.
This question is for BIB students only.
Do they need to bring books, notebooks, laptop, etc?
