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Sprott Competes

World-class business skills training, exclusively for Sprott students

Sprott Competes is a comprehensive world-class business skills training program exclusively for Sprott students. As part of its commitment to producing outstanding leaders and decision-makers, the Sprott School of Business is proud to offer a program of case-based learning. By getting involved in Sprott Competes, you’ll not only learn how to analyze business problems — you’ll also gain hands-on experience in presenting actionable solutions to managers.

Sprott Competes is designed to give our students experience in real-world business analysis, decision-making and presentation. We also train and support teams of students to compete in a select number of academic case competitions around the world, across a range of business disciplines. Sprott Competes can also be officially noted on your Carleton co-curricular record.

What are case competitions?

Case competitions challenge students to work collaboratively to identify and find solutions to the issues raised by a real business situation, as described in a written case study. Teams have a limited amount of time to review the history and data provided, analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and then present strategic alternatives and recommendations to address the needs of the organization featured in the case.

How do I join Sprott Competes?

First and second year students

As a first or second year student, you can join Sprott Ace and take case workshops offered by Sprott Business Students Society (SBSS).

Third and fourth year students: Case Competition Teams

Once you have completed second year, you’re eligible to try out for a case competition team. Registration and tryouts are announced in Sprott Off The Press. The greatest Sprott Competes experience is participation in a national or international case competition. Students selected for a Sprott case competition team work with a dedicated coach who is responsible for preparing the team to compete with the best from across Canada and around the world. This generally involves team and individual meetings, along with mock sessions of the competition itself.

Typically, case teams train at least one day a week for an average of six hours. Training tends to be less intense in the beginning and ramps up considerably as the competition date approaches. In the month leading up to a competition, teams train several times a week.

Contact Us

Are you interested in competing on a Sprott case competition team? Fill out this form and we’ll be in touch for the next competition.   

If you have any questions, contact Devin Fraser at