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Resources for Graduate Supervisors

Finding a Supervisor

Beginning of a Graduate Program

During a Graduate Program

Peer and Supervisor Support

Doctoral Peer Support

The study first looked at quality of the relationships that participants shared with other doctoral  students, in addition to the emotional and instrumental support they received from their fellow doctoral  students. Little difference was observed between completers and non-completers in the quality of  support received from the doctoral peers.

Supervisor Support

No clear distinction could be made between student supervisory experience and student persistence.  What seems to be more important is how students deal with their supervisory experience.

Progression and Project Comprehension

What seems to differentiate those who complete their doctoral degree from those who do not is the  extent to which they are moving forward on a project that makes sense to them. 

They propose three possible key elements in successful candidature:

  1. Being able to work on a project that makes sense to them
  2. Experiencing feelings of progress in the development of the material that will constitute the  thesis
  3. Experiencing little to no feelings of distress

Weaknesses in this Study

Student Support Services & Resources