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Sprott Research

Research News

Bertrand Lemieux, PhD in Management candidate at Carleton University's Sprott School of Business. Shown here at a lookout in Gatineau Park in Gatineau, Quebec.

Sprott PhD Candidate Bertrand Lemieux Awarded Prestigious Scholarship by CPA Quebec

Carleton University PhD in Management candidate Bertrand Lemieux was awarded a scholarship of $10,000 by the CPA Québec Foundation in…

Shani Pupco

Q&A with Shani Pupco

As Shani Pupco assumes her new role as Lecturer, Management, at the Sprott School of Business, effective July 2024, we…

Unravelling the reality of ethical apparel in global supply chains

By studying global supply chains, Jinsun Bae (Assistant Professor, International Business) sheds light on the ways clothing companies are trying…

Dunja Palic

Highly skilled immigrants’ strategies for successful career transitions

After a successful year as an MSc student, Dunja Palic fast-tracked into the PhD in Management program. Now in her…

Sprott Research Events

Sprott Research at a Glance (5-Year Portfolio)

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Peer-Reviewed Articles

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Conference Proceedings

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Book Chapters

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Research Newsletter

Our Research Newsletter is produced semi-annually to share information about current Sprott research with a wide audience. It includes feature pieces about faculty and student research as well as news about key events and announcements.

Research Review

Our annual Research Review showcases the year’s research activities at Sprott while highlighting the volume, breadth, quality and impact of our faculty and student research. Learn about our areas of expertise, awards, newly-funded projects, hires and promotions, and visiting researchers.

Research Team

Amanda Bradford-Janke

Amanda Bradford-Janke

  • Manager of Research Services and Initiatives

Megan Moran

  • Research Development Support Administrator
Shaobo Ji

Shaobo Ji

  • Associate Dean, Research and International, and Full Professor, Information Systems