Previous Fulbright Chairs
Kevin Boudreau
Kevin Boudreau is the Fulbright Canada Distinguished Research Chair in Entrepreneurship, visiting Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business, in 2022 and 2023. He is currently an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Northeastern University. Kevin studies how to optimize business models and the organization of digital platforms and digital organizational infrastructure. Much of his work involves analysis of large data sets and working with platform engineers and data scientists to embed experiments within “live” working platforms. He has degrees in Engineering (Waterloo), Economics (Toronto), and Behavioral and Policy Sciences (MIT). His research has been generously funded by the Fulbright Foundation, G.E. Corp., Google, the Kaufmann Foundation, Microsoft, the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Paris Chamber of Commerce, and the Sloan Foundation.
Daved Barry
Daved Barry is the Gates Professor of Innovative Business Culture at Clarkson University. Previously he was Professor of Innovation at Jönköping University (Sweden), Professor of Creative Enterprise Design at the Copenhagen Business School, the Banco BPI Chair in Creative Organization Studies (Nova University, Portugal), and the Victoria University Chair of Creative Organization Studies (New Zealand). He completed his PhD in Strategic Management and Organizational Psychology at the University of Maryland (1986). His teaching and research focus on how design, the arts, and studio methods can improve innovation, leadership, organizing, and problem solving. He is widely published in the world’s top management journals and his paper “Discovering the Business Studio” was given the 2016 Roethlisberger Award for best contribution to management education by the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society.
Sahn-Wook Huh
Sahn-Wook Huh is an Associate Professor of Finance at the University (SUNY) at Buffalo School of Management. Before and after his MBA studies at the University of Chicago, he worked for several years in the private and government sectors. With his extensive real world experience, he returned to academia for Ph.D. studies at the Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA.
Professor Huh’s research interests are empirical corporate finance, market microstructure, asset pricing, evaluation of mutual fund and hedge fund performance, and behavioral finance. His research articles appear in prestigious journals such as the Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and the Review of Asset Pricing Studies. His research articles won the best paper awards at nine U.S. and international conferences, including the 2021 Award at the Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Conference held in Denver. He received the Milton Plesur Excellence in Teaching Award, which is a University-wide award bestowed upon faculty members who are outstanding in teaching at the University at Buffalo. He has recently served as the President of the Korea-America Finance Association (KAFA).
Jeffrey Reuer
Jeffrey Reuer is the Guggenheim Endowed Chair and Professor of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Operations at the Leeds School of Business (University of Colorado Boulder). His research is focused on governance and design of alliances, collaborative strategies, and applications of information economics and real options theory to various problems in strategy, international business and entrepreneurship.
Florence Neymotin
Florence Neymotin is an Associate Professor of Decision Sciences with the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Nova Southeastern University. Her research focuses on issues in applied microeconomics, public goods, health, and machine learning. She has published numerous articles in journals such as the Journal of Economic Psychology, the Economics of Education Review, Economics Bulletin, Applied Economics Letters, IZA Journal of Migration, and the Journal of Labor Research. Florence will be joining Sprott School of Business as the 2019/20 visiting Fulbright Canada Distinguished Chair in Entrepreneurship.