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Sana Mohsni

Sana Mohsni

Associate Professor, Finance

  • BBA Finance (IHEC Carthage), MSc Finance (H.E.C. Montreal), PhD Administration-Finance (Concordia University)
  • 7023 Nicol, Carleton University
  • 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
  • Email Sana Mohsni
  • 613-520-2600 ext 2991

Dr. Sana Mohsni is an Associate Professor, Finance, at the Sprott School of Business. As a member of the Sprott team since 2009, Dr. Mohsni has developed a robust, eclectic, and socially relevant research program within the finance sphere. With many collaborative university and government-funded projects on the go, Dr. Mohsni examines how changes in firms’ governance, policies, and organizational structure shape firm performance and appetite for risk. Current projects include how credit risk disclosure and cybersecurity risk disclosure affect firms’ performance and how the establishment of corporate directors and officer insurance influences a firm’s risk behaviour. Concurrently, Dr. Mohsni is excited to take her research into a very relevant and noteworthy area of finance. In several collaborative projects, Dr. Mohsni investigates the relevance of board gender diversity policy and the impact of gender diversity on several aspects of the firm—work that is highly impactful at substantiating the value of women as board members.  

Dr. Mohsni is the recipient of a 2021 Best paper award from CFA Society Toronto and a 2008 Best Paper award from the Financial Management Association and has published in several reputable journals, including the Journal of Corporate Finance, The International Review of Financial Analysis, and the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. Throughout her career, Dr. Mohsni has acted as a visiting scholar at numerous universities around the world, including the University of Kyoto, Japan, the University of Nagasaki, Japan, De Montfort University, UK, University of Palermo, Italy, and the University of Malta, Malta. 

Her research has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and CPA Canada.

Dr. Mohsni is highly motivated to help change perspectives, not just in Canada, but throughout the business world—to contribute to the narrative of the importance of equality and inclusivity and that the value of women in business and on boards transcends cultures.

Research Interests: Risk-taking, Privatization,  Banking, Firm Performance, Corporate Governance, Gender Diversity, Sustainability, Corporate Disclosure