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Robert Helal

Robert Helal

Associate Professor, Teaching Stream (Director SSCG, Project-Based Experiential Learning)

Area of Research: 

Management and Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Innovation Management
Research interests are in the areas of dynamic capabilities theory, open innovation and collaborative innovation, and business analytics. 

Refereed Conference Proceedings:
Uma Kumar, Robert Helal, Rajendra P. Mishra, Ramesh Gupta, Ian Tower, Dana Deregowska. Study of Customer Satisfaction in Distributor-Customer Dyadic Supply Chain Relationships.”

Uma Kumar, Robert Helal, Rajendra P. Mishra, Ramesh Gupta, Ian Tower, Dana Deregowska. Study of Customer Satisfaction in Distributor-Customer Dyadic Supply Chain Relationships.” Proceedings of the Marketing Management Division, Vol.23. Winnipeg, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2000.

Refereed Journal Publications:

Martin Skaburskis, Robert Helal, and Arnold Zidulka. “Hemodynamic Effects of External Continuous Negative Pressure Ventilation Compared with Those of Continuous Positive Pressure Ventilation in Dogs with Acute Lung Injury”, American Review of Respiratory Disease, Vol. 136, No. 4 (1987), pp. 886-891.

Don R. Hanson, Maryanne M. Mowen, David W. Senkow, and Raili M. Pollanen. “Supply Chain Management .” Management Accounting: Canadian Sixth Edition. Nelson, Division of Thompson Canada Limited, Canada, 2004, Section Author 810-811.