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PMBA Courses

Professional MBA Program Courses (7.5 credits)

(September to December)
*BUSI 5998 MBA Skills Workshop (0.0 cr)
*STGY 5903 Strategic Concepts (0.50 cr)
*ACCT 5001 Financial Accounting (0.25 cr)
*BUSI 5801 Statistics for Managers (0.25 cr)
*MGMT 5100 Managing People & Organizations Concepts (0.50 cr)
*ACCT 5002 Managerial Accounting (0.25 cr)
*BUSI 5802 Business Ethics (0.25 cr)
(January to April)
*MKTG 5200 Marketing Strategy Concepts (0.50 cr)
*FINA 5501 Financial Management (0.25 cr)
*IBUS 5701 International Business (0.25 cr)
*FINA 5502 Corporate Finance (0.25 cr)
*ITIS 5401 Fundamentals of Leading and Managing
Information Systems in Organizations (0.25 cr)
*TOMS 5302 Operations Management (0.25 cr)
MGMT 5113 Managing Teams (0.25 cr)
(May to August)
BUSI 5905 Special Topics: Entrepreneurship (0.5 cr)
ITIS 5431 Business Analytics for Managers (0.25 cr)
TOMS 5303 Managing Projects (0.25 cr)
MGMT 5115 Leadership (0.25 cr)
MGMT 5114 Managing Diversity (0.25 cr)
ITIS 5434 Data Visualization for Business Analytics (0.25 cr)
(September to December)
ACCT 5012 Performance Measurement and Control (0.25 cr)
MGMT 5120 Fundamentals of Leading and Managing
Organizational Change Concepts (0.50 cr)
BUSI 5906 Special Topics: Fintech (0.25 cr))
MGMT 5117 Knowledge Management (0.25 cr)
*STGY 5900 Corporate and Business Strategy Concepts (0.50 cr)
*Denotes courses that are part of the Core curriculum. These courses cover a cross-section of business disciplines for the integrated knowledge and skills needed for the subsequent PMBA courses.