Sprott Undergraduate Summer Research Experience
Sprott undergraduate students have the opportunity to develop valuable research skills by participating in the Sprott Undergraduate Research Summer Experience program.
This 13-week, paid research opportunity offers Sprott students the chance to collaborate with faculty members on engaging projects during the summer term, while developing research and analytical skills that are transferable to any career path. The deadline for applications is February 17, 2025. The start date is May 12, 2025.
How It Works
This opportunity is available to any undergraduate student who is majoring in Business at Sprott and in good standing. Eligible applicants must have completed their first year of coursework at the time of application. Students who intend to graduate during the research time (i.e., at spring convocation) are eligible to apply, but must commit to submitting a written blog about their experience by mid-August 2025. Preference will be given to full-time students, but part-time students are eligible to apply. Students can apply to work with any research faculty at the Sprott School of Business where there is an overlap in mutually beneficial research goals.
Students will receive $7,500 plus 4% vacation for 13 weeks of work, paid bi-weekly as per the University pay schedule. It is important to be aware that standard employment deductions will be subtracted from each pay period.
- Application submission deadline: February 17, 2025
- Notification of successful applicants: February 28, 2025
- Project start date: May 12, 2025
- Project end date: August 11, 2025
- Blog post due: August 18, 2025
Participant Requirements
Students are responsible for finding a Sprott faculty member with whom to work. The student’s role is to provide general assistance to the supervisor while working on a specific research project (can be an existing project or a new project determined by the faculty supervisor).
We anticipate that the Sprott 2025 research positions will be in-person or hybrid. Therefore, expected duties, research methodologies and timelines must reflect this research environment.
Standards of work should be set, outlining the responsibilities of the supervisor and the student. It will be expected that students share their internship experience with other students through social media, Sprott websites and other internal and/or external research communications as deemed appropriate.
The students’ work term will last a maximum of 13 weeks full-time over the summer (students will not extend into the next fall term). Any requirements for training, safety, research ethics, etc. will be the responsibility of the supervisor. It is expected that students will create to submit a blog post to the Sprott Research Office about their summer experience. Read past student blog posts below.
How To Apply
There is no form or template for the application. Applications must be submitted as a single PDF and include the following:
- A one-page cover letter that elaborates on the curriculum vitae of the applicant and any experience of training related to the proposed research
- Name of faculty supervisor. (Students should confirm their preferred supervisor is eligible and willing to supervise BEFORE they apply.)
- A maximum three-page statement about the proposed research including:
- Background/context – brief literature review and context of the research problem
- Project objectives – clearly stated and achievable within the 13-week period (Note: if the research is part of a larger research project, please state how the objectives of the internship project relate to the larger objectives)
- Methodologies to be used
- Proposed timeline
- Summary of the expected duties of the position and the research skills that will be acquired
- Summary of the expected outcomes of the research beyond the required blog post
- Statement of whether ethics approval is required for the research and the plan to obtain that approval
- Format: Single spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt font, 0.75” margins. Any pages exceeding the three-page limit will not be considered in the evaluation process.
- A maximum of two pages for references cited in the project statement.
- Current CV
- Current Carleton University transcript for the student applicant. (Digital copies of unofficial transcripts may be ordered, free of charge, through Carleton Central.)
- A statement of support from a supervising faculty member outlining the benefit of the internship to supervisor’s existing or new research project.
Submit Your Application To
Megan Moran at megan.moran@carleton.ca
Learn About Past Student Summer Research Experiences
Building Bridges
Crafting Digital Personas and Reputations: Applying SCM to Assess Family Business Reputations via Websites
Exploring Qualitative Research: Catalyzing Change through Social Insights
Enhancing My Skill Set Through the Summer Research Experience