Employability Passport
What is the Employability Passport?
The Sprott Employability Passport (Business Career Preparation Requirement) is a four-year career development program that equips Sprott School of Business students with the job-ready skills and awareness to find meaningful employment and career success. The Employability Passport his program complements the academic knowledge and skills gained through Sprott’s undergraduate business degree programs.
How It Works:
- Each year, students are required to register in a non-credit career development course and participate in a selection of co-curricular activities and events covering several of the Employability Passport’s skill areas: Career Management, Communications, Teamwork and Technology.
- There are no classes, tutorial, tests or exams in this course. The Employability Passport Coordinator has office hours available on Monday afternoons where you can schedule a virtual “General Enquiries” appointment to ask questions or get support.
- Students take an active role in tailoring their Employability Passport based on personal and professional goals, with the guidance of Sprott Career Services and other campus service providers.
- All students enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of International Business degree programs must satisfactorily complete the Employability Passport Program as a graduation requirement.
There are four badges in the Employability Passport:
- Career Management
- Communications
- Teamwork
- Technology
You do not have to complete your badges in order. However, we require all Employability Passport students to complete and submit all of their badge requirements BEFORE or by the term deadline.
Check your course outline in Brightspace for term deadlines.
Employability Passport Partners
The Sprott School of Business is grateful for the support of our Employability Passport Partners.

Becoming a Sponsor
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email sprottcareers@carleton.ca.
Employability Passport FAQ
- Students require completion of BUSI 1995 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 2101, completion of BUSI 2995 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 3309, and completion of BUSI 3995 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 4609. BUSI 4995 must be completed as part of the degree requirements prior to graduation from the Bachelor of Commerce.
- For BIB students, Students require completion of BUSI 1996 and BUSI 1997 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 2702, and completion of BUSI 2996 and BUSI 2997 to be eligible for the year abroad. BUSI 4996 must be completed as part of the degree requirements prior to graduation from the Bachelor of International Business (Honours).
The Employability Passport program has been designed to help you develop your employability skills. Many of the activities required are activities that you would already be exposed to and participating in. Thus, we encourage all eligible students to participate. However, we may offer exemptions in very rare situations, on a case by case basis.
Email the Employability Passport coordinator if you have questions about exemptions at employabilitypassport@cunet.carleton.ca
Go to MySuccess/Sprott School of Business/Sprott Event Calendar.
Click on the event to learn details and to register.
Check details for all events specifically, date, time, location and dress code, if applicable. If you are unable to attend the event, please let the organizer know and cancel your registration and it will give another student the opportunity to attend.
Go to MySuccess/Sprott School of Business/Sprott Career Team Appointments/Book by Type.
Select the type of appointment you need (First Steps, General Program Enquiries/Resume and or Cover Letter Review/Interview Skills/Job Search) then choose a date and time that works for you.
Once you have the appointment scheduled, you will receive an email to remind you of your appointment, including instructions on how to join the built-in video via your MySuccess main page.
Contact Us
Book an appointment with the Employability Passport Coordinator if you need assistance or have questions about exemptions.