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Yuliya Melnyk

profile photo of Yuliya Melnyk

Contract Instructor, PhD Candidate

Area of Research: Marketing

Yuliya Melnyk is currently interested in buying-decision process, emotions, consumer-brand relationships, value, brand protection, and privacy.

Yuliya Melnyk is a PhD Candidate and a Marketing Instructor in Sprott School of Business, Carleton University. She has been teaching BUSI2204 – Basic Marketing and BUSI2208 – Introduction to Marketing.

Yuliya has been teaching Communication and English courses in La Cite Collegiale, Ottawa since 2011. 

Before moving to Ottawa, she worked in the newsrooms of the Ukrainian Division of the Voice of America, Washington, DC, USA and in a few US newsletter publishing companies where she covered education and the US pharmaceutical industry. She had also taught a large variety of English courses at the Kirovohrad State Pedagogical Vynnychenko University, Ukraine.