Uma Kumar

- Nicol, Carleton University
- 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
Uma Kumar is a Distinguished Research Professor of Operations and Technology Management and Director of the Research Centre for Technology Management at the Sprott School of Business, Carleton University. She has been the Director of Sprott School’s Graduate Programs. Uma has extensive consulting experience in both private and public sectors in India and Canada primarily working on technology incubation, technology transfer to developing countries and innovation management. She has consulted DND, CIDA, the Federal partners of technology transfer, and the Canadian association of business incubators.
Uma’s research focus is on operations and technology management where she has published over 270 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings, authored 4 research books and monographs, and contributed chapters in another 30 books. She has won Carleton’s prestigious Research Achievement Award, twice the Scholarly Achievement Award, the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, and Graduate Mentoring Award. Twenty of her papers appearing in conference proceedings have won best paper awards. The more recent and notable Jack Meredith Award she obtained in Academy of Management, Atlanta, for her 2012 article published in the top-most journal of Operations Management; the article has been cited most during last five years.
Uma has taught in MBA programs in Hong Kong, India, Canada, Iran, Colombia and China. She has supervised or is supervising 14 PhD students; 11 of them have graduated and are placed in faculty positions all around the world. Over last twenty years, she has supervised more than 70 MBA, MMS and EMBA student’s projects; most of these projects dealt with real practical problems of organizations. She has also given invited lectures to academics and professionals in Brazil, China, Cuba and India. She currently serves or has served in the past on the editorial boards of international journals and advisory board of conferences. She has served and is serving on University-level Quality Assurance and Senate Academic Programs committees.
Dr. Kumar is not accepting new MSc or PhD students.