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Sujit Sur

Sujit Sur

Associate Professor, Management

Research Interests

Dr. Sur is accepting MSc and PhD students.

Awards, Grants and Honours

2016    Research Achievement Award, Carleton University
2016     Grand Prix EFMD-FNEGE 2016 des meilleurs ouvrages de recherche en management for the Encyclopédie
2016    Best Paper of the Year Award, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
2015    Emerald Group award of excellence for the Outstanding Paper in Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society (CG) journal in 2014
2015    Elwood F. Holton, III Research Excellence Award for outstanding development review paper in Human Resource Development Review (HRDR) journal in 2014
2015    Best Reviewer Award, Journal of World Business
2015    Outstanding Reviewer Award, SIM Division, Academy of Management, Vancouver
2014    Overall Best Conference Paper Award, World Association for Sustainable Development
2013    MBA 2nd Year Professor of the Year Award, MBA Society, Dalhousie University
2013    Grant for sustainable management MBA study tour, Dalhousie University
2012    A. Gordon Archibald Teaching Excellence Award, Dalhousie University
2012    Rowe Research grant, Dalhousie University
2012    Udayan Rege PhD Best Dissertation Research Award of $1000, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada. St. John’s, NL. Awarded biannually to the best Canadian doctoral dissertation in administrative sciences

Student Advising

2015 -16    Supervisor for Master’s thesis (Public Administration) in the Sustainable Energy program
2012 – 13   Supervisor for Honors thesis (undergraduate) at College of Sustainability on assessing policies and infrastructure for promoting social ventures.
2012          Committee Member (Reader) for Masters in Developmental Economics thesis on regional economic benefits of renewable marine energy.

Editorial Activities

2015 – 16   Associate editor (Interdisciplinary), Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
2015 – 16  Editorial Board member, Journal of World Business