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Shani Pupco

Lecturer, Management

Shani Pupco’s research is broadly centred around leadership. She is seeking to develop a better understanding of who becomes a leader (or who doesn’t become a leader) and why, with special interest in the role of pregnancy and parenthood. Currently, her primary work explores the influence of pregnancy and parenthood on parents’ careers. She is also currently involved in a project which assesses the role of socioeconomic status on leadership emergence and behaviour, as well as a study which evaluates how surgeons’ leadership behaviours in the operating room influence patient outcomes. Finally, she is involved in a series of studies looking at the role of temporal factors on the quality of leaders’ behaviour.

She is currently completing her PhD at Queen’s University.

Research Areas: leadership, leadership emergence, gender, pregnancy and parenthood, work-family

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6187-8496