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Nicolas Papadopoulos

Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus, Distinguished Research Professor, International Business and Marketing

Nicolas Papadopoulos is Distinguished Research Professor of Marketing and International Business at the Sprott School of Business of Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He has served as director of the school, teaching area coordinator for international business, associate dean (research), director of the International Business Study Group 1984-2019, and Chancellor’s Professor 2008-2020.

He is recognized worldwide as a leading researcher in the areas of international market selection, place images, and nation branding. His research and professional interests span marketing and business strategy, particularly in the international context (including expansion decisions, global positioning, country image effects on buyer behaviour, role of trade blocs, East-West business, and free-trade zones); brand marketing and new product development; social and not-for-profit marketing applications; management education; and macro-marketing (including marketing ethics and corporate social responsibility).

Dr. Papadopoulos has authored, co-authored, or edited more than 350 publications, including 16 books and over 100 book chapters and journal articles, and in addition has given well over 110 workshops and seminars, conference talks, and invited presentations in various countries. His research work is closely intertwined with his teaching, where he has supervised or served on the examining committees of over 70 graduate students and delivered courses to nearly 5,000 students at all levels.

This work has been recognized through numerous awards and honours. He has received 10 best-paper awards, including the 2019 Best Paper Award in International Business of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (for his paper on consumer ethnicity), and the 2016 Hans B. Thorelli Award of the American Marketing Association for “significant and long-term contribution” (based on an eight-country co-authored study on consumer cosmopolitanism, ethnocentrism, and materialism). His distinctions include the Capital Educators Award from the Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (2007); the Outstanding Service Award as member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2009); Best Reviewer awards from such journals as International Marketing Review (2008 and 2011) and Journal of International Business Studies (2013); Carleton University’s Davidson Dunton Lecturership Award (2008), Graduate Mentorship Award (2013), and Scholarly Achievement and Research Achievement Awards (1987 and 2014); and appointment as Honorary International Member of the Società Italiana di Marketing since 2005.

In addition, Dr. Papadopoulos has been invited to deliver keynote addresses at several events internationally such as the Multicultural Marketing Conference of the U.S.-based Academy of Marketing Science (Puebla, Mexico, 2004), the 9th Congress of the Società Italiana di Marketing (Benevento, Italy, 2012), Export Summit IV of the Greek International Business Association (Thessaloniki, Greece, 2016), and the 2nd Consumer Research Summit on Place & Identity (Bangor, UK, 2017); and the Fifteenth Royal Bank International Research Seminar (Montreal, 2021). He has also been invited to join the review and advisory teams of the highest-ranking journals in his field, and is currently serving on the Senior Advisory Boards of International Marketing Review and the Journal of Product and Brand Management as well as on the Editorial Review Boards of the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of International Marketing, and five other journals.

He worked with Exxon, 3M, and Procter & Gamble before turning to his academic career, and he has maintained close ties with the business community since then in North America and Europe through consulting, lecturing, executive training engagements, and volunteer work.

His research has been covered extensively in interviews and feature stories internationally, in such media as The Strategist (India), La Reforma (Mexico’s national newspaper), The Economist (UK), and Minnesota Reformer (U.S.), Kathimerini (The Daily, one of Greece’s two main national newspapers), The Place Brand Observer (UK), and De Pers (national Dutch newspaper), and throughout Canada in newspapers (Ottawa Citizen, Globe and Mail, Montreal Gazette, Edmonton Journal, National Post), TV & radio (CBC, CTV), magazines (enRoute, Commerce-Les Affaires), and many others.


Most recent book: Marketing Countries, Places, and Place-associated Brands: Identity and Image (Edward Elgar, UK, September 2021)