Luciara Nardon

Full Professor, International Business
- BSc Accounting (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), Masters Business (Universidad de Ciencias Empresiarales y Sociales), Masters Business Administration (Claremont Graduate University), PhD (University of Oregon)
- 7026 Nicol, Carleton University
- 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
- Email Luciara Nardon
- 613-520-2600 ext 1802
currently on sabbatical
Dr. Luciara Nardon is a Professor of International Business at Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business. Dr. Nardon is not only creating a new narrative on how to do research in business, but she is also an agent of change. She is dedicated to seeing cultural and societal advancements relating to multicultural work environments and establishing strategies that help immigrants adjust to a new country and its cultural milieu.
Dr. Nardon has a multidisciplinary research program, where she delves into the sociological and behavioural side of business. Much of her research looks at how people think and behave within a work environment, which is often influenced by their cultural background. Dr. Nardon is passionate about understanding the cognitive process that can influence and facilitate a cohesive and collaborative working environment. She works under the assumption that in the twenty-first century, and a global business environment, we are all working with members who bring new cultural perspectives to the table—or who may feel like a “fish out of water.” Dr. Nardon’s approach to research is socially constructivist, with a focus on reflective, qualitative data.
Her most recent accomplishment is her breakthrough book, Working in a Multicultural World: A Guide to Developing Intercultural Competence (University of Toronto Press, 2017), which explores workplace diversity. Her book is changing the dialogue around multicultural business constructs that managers, employees, clients—anyone working and living within a multicultural framework—can use to better understand how to navigate in a changing world. The book proposes a comprehensive framework for understanding intercultural interactions and developing skills for successful intercultural situations.
More under Dr. Nardon’s research umbrella, her projects include exploring how technology plays a role in how people adjust to foreign environments. She’s published research on the topic of immigrants’ use of blogs as an online narrative of their experiences and how this sharing of knowledge, strategies, and opinions, creates a support system for immigrants to help them adjust to a new culture. Further research includes using a sense-making approach to her research to explore the consequences of, and relationship between, an unsupportive migrant system and migrants’ self-identifications—knowledge that will help to better understand what motivates, shapes, and defines perceptions and experiences of those experiencing new cultures.
Dr. Nardon is currently accepting MSc or PhD students interested in the area of immigration and work.
Knowledge Synthesis Grant Final Report: Socio-cognitive Influences on Innovation