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Irene Lu

profile photo of irene lu

Associate Professor, Marketing

Irene Lu is an Associate Professor of Marketing. Her research interests include consumer research and psychometric measurement techniques, and her papers have been published in International Journal of Research in Marketing, International Marketing Review, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Psychology, Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Sport Management, International Journal Sport Management and Marketing, and Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. Irene was awarded a SSHRC Standard Research Grant for a project on country image measurement in the past.  Recently, she received The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Grant for a project on developing visualization tools for teaching and learning statistics.  Currently, she holds a SSHRC Insight Development Grant for a project on exploring why consumers buy repurposed products and Carleton University’s COVID 19 Rapid Response Research Grant for a project on investigating consumer’s attitude towards sustainable consumption during the COVID 19 pandemic.  She previously served as Vice President of Membership and a Divisional Chair of Marketing for Administrative Science Association of Canada (ASAC). Irene worked as a researcher for one of the largest Chinese media conglomerates in Taiwan and for the Methodology Branch of Statistics Canada. Prior to joining Sprott, she was a faculty member at York University. She has taught Marketing Metrics, Marketing Research, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing in Not-for-Profit Organizations, Introductory Marketing, Quantitative Methods, and Statistics for Managers.

Research Interests

Dr. Lu is accepting new PhD/MSc students.