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Chelsie Smith

PhD Candidate

Area of Research: Management and Strategy

Chelsie is interested in learning how to improve workplace experiences for targets and observers of workplace mistreatment, particularly when these individuals belong to historically undervalued or underserved groups. Her research interests include workplace mistreatment; voice, silence, and other behaviours individuals engage in after experiencing mistreatment at work; diversity, equity, inclusion, and belongingness; employee well-being; precarious work; and pro-environmental behaviour. Her dissertation is entitled “What happens next?: Exploring the psychological, social, and organizational factors underlying employees’ behavioural responses to workplace mistreatment.”

Chelsie has co-authored peer-reviewed research published in Academy of Management Proceedings, Policing: An International Journal, Journal of Community Psychology, International Journal of Strategic Communication, and the Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. Furthermore, she has presented at several conferences of well-known management and psychology network organizations, including the Academy of Management (AOM), Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN), and the Association for Psychological Science (APS).

Chelsie is a 2021 SSHRC Vanier Canadian Graduate Scholar and has received previous support from the Ontario Graduate Scholarship.

Chelsie has experience peer-reviewing articles and symposia for the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, as well as reviewing journal article submissions for the Journal of Environmental Psychology and SAGE’s South African Journal of Psychology. Her university service includes two terms as a graduate student representative on the Carleton University Senate Student Academic Integrity Appeals Committee.

Supervisor: Dr. Angela Dionisi