Andre Lanctot
Supervisor: Linda Duxbury
Dr. Andre Lanctot is currently assisting in several studies that are being conducted by Dr. Duxbury with the Ottawa Police Service, the OPP and Advancing WE in Policing (AWIP). These studies are exploring the following issues: (1) diversity concerns within Canadian police services, (2) socialization of police recruits, (3) implementation and use of the occurrence report writing system within the OPP, and (4) the evaluation of community policing initiatives by the Ottawa Police. He is also a research assistant on the MITACS funded study entitled “Work, Family, Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Dr. Lanctot’s dissertation was a nationwide, multi-method, study investigating the impact of important and/or urgent email on employees’ wellbeing. He has also assisted in research investigating gender differences in the promotion process within a police service.