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It’s Really Not Too Early: Strategies for a Competitive SSHRC Insight Grant

Wednesday, May 3, 2023 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

This information session is geared towards faculty members who are considering submitting a SSHRC Insight Grant in the upcoming October 2023 competition. Researchers who are curious and seeking information are most welcome. 

This event, open to the entire Carleton campus, is being hosted by the Research Facilitators in the Faculty of Public Affairs, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Sprott School of Business. 

Our session will: 

We will conclude with a panel of Carleton faculty members who have sat on a SSHRC Insight Grant peer review committee and/or been successful at securing a recent SSHRC Insight Grant. The panel will share their do’s and don’ts with the audience as well as field any questions you might have.