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Apply to Graduate

Once you have confirmed your graduation eligibility, you may apply to graduate through Carleton Central (under the “Online Applications” section) by the applicable deadline.

Once you have applied to graduate, your status on Carleton Central will appear as pending. Do not panic if the status is still pending for quite some time! The status of pending will remain until Senate meets on the date indicated within your application confirmation email (usually about a week or two prior to the convocation ceremonies). Once your final grades are in at the end of this term, check your audit again to confirm that your audit statement has changed from “ALL REQUIREMENTS COMPLETED – IN PROGRESS COURSES USED” TO “ALL REQUIREMENTS IDENTFIED BELOW HAVE BEEN MET”. If you don’t see your audit statement change once all of your final grades are updated to the audit, then get in touch with your Sprott Undergraduate Advisor to find out why. 

In the meantime, you may request Confirmation of Graduation Letters via Carleton Central – these letters confirm your graduation eligibility and can be provided to future employers, or graduate schools. For more information, visit the following page: