Posts sorted by Research

Sprott PhD Candidate Bertrand Lemieux Awarded Prestigious Scholarship by CPA Quebec
Carleton University PhD in Management candidate Bertrand Lemieux was awarded a scholarship of $10,000 by the CPA Québec Foundation in…

Q&A with Shani Pupco
As Shani Pupco assumes her new role as Lecturer, Management, at the Sprott School of Business, effective July 2024, we…

Unravelling the reality of ethical apparel in global supply chains
By studying global supply chains, Jinsun Bae (Assistant Professor, International Business) sheds light on the ways clothing companies are trying…

Highly skilled immigrants' strategies for successful career transitions
After a successful year as an MSc student, Dunja Palic fast-tracked into the PhD in Management program. Now in her…

From balance sheets to belly laughs: An accountant's guide to comedy
An established taxation researcher with expertise in non-profit foundations, accountability, and governance, François Brouard (Professor, Accounting) is also a leading…

Oriane Couchoux awarded SSHRC grant to explore financial management in parenthood
Oriane Couchoux, an assistant professor of accounting in Carleton University's Sprott School of Business, has been awarded a SSHRC Insight…

Building Bridges
By: Elinam Havor-Nutogo, Bachelor of International Business, Concentration in International Strategy and Human Resources Management This summer I had the privilege…

Crafting Digital Personas and Reputations: Applying SCM to Assess Family Business Reputations via Websites
By: Teagan Dubé It was a privilege and a pleasure to participate in the 2024 Sprott Summer Undergraduate Research Experience…

Sprott School of Business Welcomes New Faculty and Celebrates Faculty Promotions
The Sprott School of Business at Carleton University is pleased to announce the addition of two faculty members to its…

Sprott's Jose Rojas-Mendez Makes His Mark on the Map of Place Brand Impact Makers
Sprott International Business and Marketing Professor José Rojas-Méndez is a leading scholar in place brand marketing research. His expertise in…

New SSHRC Partnership Engage funding to study social media engagement with health services among older adults
Congratulations to Dr. Dora (Yun) Wang, who has been awarded a SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant for a research project aimed…

Lessons from consumer culture theory
Aron Darmody (Associate Professor, Marketing) studies the ways marketing strategies influence consumer behaviour. Family members often gravitate toward similar professions.…
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