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Sprott PhD Candidate Bertrand Lemieux Awarded Prestigious Scholarship by CPA Quebec

Carleton University PhD in Management candidate Bertrand Lemieux was awarded a scholarship of $10,000 by the CPA Québec Foundation in recognition of his research on tax literacy, more specifically on attitudes, experiences, and perceptions of Canadian individuals with regard to their tax situation.

Bertrand Lemieux, PhD in Management candidate at Carleton University's Sprott School of Business. Shown here at a lookout in Gatineau Park in Gatineau, Quebec.
Bertrand Lemieux, Sprott PhD in Management candidate

“I would like to extend my most heartfelt thanks to my supervisor Professor François Brouard, DBA, FCPA, FCA and to Professor Merridee Bujaki, PhD, FCPA, FCA for their letter of recommendation, as well as their ongoing support since the beginning of my PhD,” said Bertrand.

The CPA Quebec PhD Scholarship supports the development of accounting scholars and advancing knowledge development in professional accounting areas of expertise.