Luciara Nardon receives IRSG funding to study multinational migration in Canada and Brazil
Professor Luciara Nardon (International Business) has received the maximum possible award under Carleton University’s International Research Seed Grant program for her project Understanding Multinational Migrations in the Americas. This funding will allow Luciara to map the immigrant service ecosystems in Brazil and Canada and to clarify how migration infrastructures can facilitate or discourage “multinational migration” (i.e., migration across the borders of multiple countries in contrast to migration from a single origin to a single destination). It will also allow Luciara and her Brazilian collaborators to engage individuals from various positions within the migration landscape to find ways to increase immigrant inclusion in the workplace and society, thereby reducing the need for multinational migration.
The comparison of Brazil and Canada promises insight into the nature of multinational migration in the Americas because migration to both countries is increasingly transitory. Migrants to Brazil, who largely come from other nations in the region, see the country as a stepping stone to their ultimate destination of North America. As for Canada, rising living costs and acute housing shortages have resulted in reverse migration trends despite our history as a destination country for migration.