Sprott summer course on business resilience features prestigious speaker line-up including former Prime Minister Paul Martin

Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business is launching an exciting course series for MBA students and eligible fourth-year undergraduate students on Crisis and Continuity: Organizational Resilience in a Pandemic. The courses will run during the summer term.
The first of two complementary courses that will examine the novel global socioeconomic crisis on business surrounding COVID-19 will begin on Tuesday, May 5. This course will explore the sequence and major current issues in the slowdown due to the corona virus and the responses by businesses and governments around the world.
Driven by current events, guest presentations and real-time projects, the course will explore topics related to the dramatically evolving business landscape during the pandemic, such as labour management and adaptation, challenges for SMEs, challenges for large and global organizations, government economic interventions, supply chain disruptions and essential businesses. Students will work with businesses to understand challenges and opportunities across broad sectors of the economy.
Students will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights from guest speakers, including: the Right Honourable Paul Martin, who served as Prime Minister of Canada from 2003 to 2006 and Canada’s Minister of Finance from 1993 to 2002; Don Goodwill, president of Manitoulin Transport; Collette Mendenhall, president of Assurart; and Mitchell Beer, climate activist and publisher of The Energy Mix.
Taught by Associate Professor Ruth McKay and Instructor Gary Martin, both courses will be delivered online. The courses are linked but neither requires a prerequisite. Sprott MBA students can enrol in the first course (BUSI 5906A) and continue with the second course (BUSI 5906B), which are offered back-to-back this summer, or take either. Fourth-year undergraduate business students with an 8.0 GPA of higher are eligible to enrol in both courses together for 0.5 credit.