Sprott finance students win the TD Financial Group Case Competition
On March 2, 2019, seven teams from five Canadian universities gathered at the University of Ottawa to compete in the 12th Annual TD Financial Group Case Competition, hosted this year by the Telfer Finance Society. Four Bachelor of Commerce students – Marcus Sickert, Steven Nader, Hala Saoudi, and Bryce Cameron – represented the Sprott School of Business, winning first place in the competition and the $1,000 cash prize.

“We definitely felt very proud to win the competition,” expressed Steven. “We spent weeks practicing together to get stronger as a team and learn how to play off each other’s strengths. Examining the Artificial Intelligence technology aspect was completely new to us, and was really interested to explore as AI is becoming increasingly relevant in today’s business world. Having all our hard work pay off was a great feeling.”
Each of the seven teams were randomly separated into two divisions, where four teams presented before one panel of judges, and the remaining three in front of another panel. During the entire competition, teams were not allowed to reveal to the judges which business school they were representing.
“At a high level, the case we cracked required us to advise an investment firm specializing in AI technology,” shared Steven. “We were required to recommend a Canadian public company which the investment firm should acquire a controlling stake to use its AI capabilities.”
Steven, Bryce, Hala, and Marcus are currently preparing for the Van Berkom Small Cap Case Competition, which takes place at the end of March.
“We meet every Saturday for roughly five hours and practice analyzing various North American equities,” said Marcus. “The analysis consists of a valuation, building a power point, performing a company and industry analysis, and finally pitching our recommendation on the company. Much of the strategy and format we used at the TD Case Competition was similar to what we have been practicing for Van Berkom. Winning this case competition felt amazing, and a real confidence booster as we head into our next challenge.