Linda Duxbury, first Canadian academic featured on Harvard Business Review podcast

Professor of Managment and leading researcher in the area of work-life balance, Linda Duxbury, is the first Canadian academic to be interviewed for a Harvard Business Review podcast. Linda shared her expertise on HBR’s Women at Work podcast, “How to Make Part Time Work for You“, which was published on November 18, 2019.
The podcast discusses the stigma and pressures of women who work part-time to balance their life and work demands.
“I’ve been studying the workforce up here for 25 years. And we’re now into a 24/7, always available culture where you’re expected to – even though organizations talk balance incessantly – the reality on the ground is if your organization sends you an email, you should respond. If there’s a phone call, you should respond. If there’s a meeting you make it even if it’s your day off or your time off on a part-time job,” said Linda.
“And saying no and putting family first actually is a career-limiting move. So while the organization has these great policies quite often around part-time work, the reality on the ground is quite different.”
Listen to the full podcast: “How to Make Part Time Work for You” (HBR Women at Work, November 18, 2019)