Meet our Grads: Zachary Hall, BIB/18
On June 14, we will celebrate the class of 2018 as our newest graduates cross the Carleton University Convocation stage to receive their degrees. To mark this very special occasion, we have asked some of our grads to reflect on their time in the Sprott School of Business.

If you could choose one word to sum up your time at Sprott, what is it and why?
INTEREST-ing (a little financial pun for everyone). Each turn brought new opportunities, new experiences and new adventures for me. It was never a dull moment between courses and people. Plus, I got to develop some fun financial puns, so that’s a plus!
What were your goals when you started at Sprott? Did you achieve them?
Before entering university my goal was “to succeed” although I did not know what “success” meant to me.
My four years at the school developed my definition of success; happily, I can say I have succeeded. Personally, being successful means the creation of something of which you are proud of, and my university experience is undoubtedly one of proudest accomplishments.
What is your favourite Sprott memory?
My favourite Sprott memory was my time on SBSS (Sprott Business Students’ Society). I was lucky to be the Merchandise Coordinator for SBSS in my second year, and with my great team we got to redesign the merch, launch a new line of clothing and even create a promotional video and a lookbook.
What was your favourite course or professor?
My favourite class was BUSI 3512 (Derivatives) with Professor Yuriy Zabolotnyuk. The material was so interesting, I felt like a wall-street pro!
What was the most important lesson you learned during your time at Sprott?
Give it your all! In everything you’re doing, give it your all. This extends past studying and doing well in the classroom but also with networking, growing your circle of friends, and really making the best of your university experience.
What will you miss the most?
The people! Sprotties are some of best people that I’ve had the opportunity to meet. It will be tough to be in classes without my peers and I will surely miss the support from all the faculty.
What’s next for you?
This fall I’ll be attending Western University for a Masters in Financial Economics.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the Sprott community?
I would like to thank the Sprott School of Business, and all those who contribute to the school such as: the staff, students, alumni and benefactors alike. All of whom have been integral parts of my education and my four years at the university.

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