Meet our Grads: Jacob Smale
On November 10, we celebrated the class of 2018 as our newest gradutates crossed the Carleton University Convocation stage to receive their degrees. To mark this very special occasion, we asked some of our grads to reflect on their time at Sprott.

If you could choose one word to sum up your time at Sprott, what is it and why?
From the wonderful people I met along the way to the knowledge I have gained, my time at Sprott has been such a rewarding experience.
What were your goals when you started at Sprott? Did you achieve them?
Honestly, starting university was very intimidating, so my original goal was to pass first year. As I got used to the atmosphere and dynamics of university, I began to set more concrete goals for both the academic and social side, while focusing on being successful. For me, this meant not only applying myself in class, but also saving time to enjoy the university experience and my time at Sprott.
What is your favourite Sprott memory?
My favourite Sprott memory was Sprosh week. This was so much fun and was a great opportunity to meet other students who were in the exact same situation as me, being new to university life and those experiences.
What was your favourite course or professor?
My favourite course was Strategic Management. Although the workload was very intimidating at first, looking back now, it was such a rewarding course. It allowed me to apply what I learned throughout four years of university – all into one extensive report and presentation.
What was the most important lesson you learned during your time at Sprott?
The most important lesson I learned during my time at Sprott was to be persistent. Whether it be with group projects or studying for tests and exams, being persistent and doing your best right to the end is what’s most important.
What will you miss the most?
I’m going to miss the Sprott community. I made so many friends during my four years at Sprott. They helped me through the tough times and laughed with me through the good ones.
What’s next for you?
I am returning to work as an auditor with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
Is there anything else you would like to share with the Sprott community?
Enjoy every moment! Although it may not seem like it, four years will go by so fast. Make sure you take time away from studying and enjoy yourself!