Luciara Nardon: Steering the CREWW Ship

Thinking globally and building mutually supportive connections come naturally to Luciara Nardon, and she’s bringing those strengths to her new role as director of Carleton’s Centre for Research and Education on Women and Work (CREWW).
Nardon, an associate professor of international business at the Sprott School of Business whose research interests include multicultural workplaces and global leadership, is thinking big about building the centre’s research presence.
“When we look at growing research at CREWW, collaboration is a big piece of that,” she says. “We’re already a regional hub for research on women and work, and creating connections with other researchers and other centres across Canada, and eventually internationally as well, is our next step. I’ve started talking to people and we’re exploring partnerships that will allow work that has a much broader reach and impact.”