Sprott faculty receive Carleton University Achievement Awards
Two Sprott professors have been recognized with Carleton University Achievement Awards.
Teaching Excellence – Darrell Herauf
2016 Carleton University Professional Achievement Award

Darrell Herauf is passionate about teaching and keenly interested in the future success of his accounting students. He engages students in the classroom using various methods and technologies such as clickers. As faculty advisor, he encourages participation in Sprott’s co-op program and other business-related events outside of the classroom. He is heavily involved with the professional accounting associations as a consultant, instructor and examiner, and is author of the market-leading advanced accounting textbook in Canada.
Carleton University’s Professional Achievement Awards recognize outstanding scholarly achievement at the University. Darrell was honoured with the Professional Achievement Award three times previously in 2009, 2004 and 2000.
Research Excellence – Sujit Sur
2016 Carleton University Research Achievement Award

Sujit Sur is an Associate Professor of Sustainable Management at Sprott and a member of Carleton’s Sustainable Energy Research Centre (CSERC).
Research Project – In the Image of its Maker: Does Corporate Ownership define Sustainability Outcomes?
This project aims to undertake a comprehensive investigation of the ownership phenomenon to enhance the theoretical understanding the relationship between a firm’s ownership structure and sustainability related performance. This three-year project will consist of developing an ownership typology that provides a rationale for ownership’s impact on governance and performance, followed by development of a validated and longitudinally stable measure for ownership, and will conclude with an investigation of ownership’s relationship with key environmental and societal outcomes.
Carleton University’s Research Achievement Awards recognize outstanding research achievement and research excellence at the University.