BCom student Kyle Stolys named Provost Scholar Award Recipient

Congratulations to Bachelor of Commerce student Kyle Stolys, who has been recognized with Carleton University’s Provost Scholar Award.
Kyle, who is in his fourth year of the Commerce program with a concentration in Finance, is the Portfolio Manager for the Sprott Student Investment Fund (SSIF).
“The fund is wholly responsible for the investment of roughly $800,000 worth of Sprott endowment money, and Kyle is responsible for managing the team of 20-odd students,” says Howard Nemiroff, Sprott Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies, and Faculty Advisor to SSIF.
“As PM, Kyle manages the sector managers and analysts, all of whom are amongst our best and brightest finance students,” adds Howard. “He oversees the production of research reports and directs the managers and analysts toward companies he feels are worthy of our attention. Complete industry-caliber fundamental analysis is performed on the companies held by the fund, and on companies we explore for investment potential.”
In this role, Kyle is responsible for quarterly presentations to the Investment Committee of the University. The committee is chaired by Duncan Watt, Carleton’s VP Finance and Administration, and includes members of Carleton senior administration and money management industry professionals.
In addition to SSIF, Kyle has represented Sprott at interuniversity case competitions. Last month, Kyle and his teammates won the Van Berkom JMSB Small-Cap Case Competition at Concordia University in Montreal. Last year, Kyle and two fellow SSIF members placed third in the Economist’s Kerrisdale Capital Investment Case Study Competition.
“(Kyle’s) contribution to the Sprott School is nothing short of outstanding, and his role of ambassador is exemplary,” says Howard.
The Provost Scholar Award recognizes exemplary undergraduate students, who are nominated by their faculties for excellence in one of four areas: undergraduate research, community engagement, internationalization, or immersive learning. It is awarded annually through Carleton’s Discovery Centre for Undergraduate Research and Engagement.