BIB student Natasha Yee wins Futures Fund Scholarship

(photo taken by Norm Betts, courtesy of Caldwell Partners)
Sprott student Natasha Yee was awarded a Futures Fund scholarship as part of Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year Awards.
The Futures Fund Scholarships, valued at $5,500, are awarded to 10 Canadian university business students, chosen by a selection committee at their respective universities. The committees evaluate the applicants based on academic success and extracurricular commitments involving leadership.
“Natasha’s academic record is stellar, one of the top performers in Sprott,” said Howard Nemiroff, associate dean of undergraduate studies. “Her extra-curricular involvement was nothing short of exemplary, making her well-rounded, and she embodies what it is to be an ideal ambassador for us.”
Natasha has been involved with many different activities throughout university, including organizing SPROSH (Sprott’s orientation week for new students), working as a teaching assistant, and winning first place in the management of information systems case competition last year, as part of Sprott’s Jeux De Commerce Central team.
Currently finishing her final year of the Bachelor of International Business (BIB) program, Natasha studied in Chile for her mandatory year abroad and blogged about her experiences there.
The Futures Fund Scholarships were presented during the Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year Awards Gala, a black tie-style event in Toronto last month, with almost 400 business executives in attendance.
“It felt like I was getting dressed up for prom again,” Natasha said.
Natasha said sitting next to executives from companies like Cineplex and RBC was a great experience because they shared their career experiences and offered advice on starting out.
“I met a lot of CEOs and COOs from companies and learned where they’ve come from and what they’ve done,” she said. “As a student, you’re just beginning your career, so it was fun to talk to them about how they got where they are.”
After graduating later this semester, Natasha said she plans to take a few months off before starting work as a technology consultant with Deloitte’s Ottawa office in September.
Sprott students – For more scholarship opportunities, be sure to read the Sprott off the Press undergraduate newsletter sent out every Monday.