BCom student Joel Crawford awarded RCGT accounting scholarship

Third-year Bachelor of Commerce student Joel Crawford was awarded a scholarship by accounting firm Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton (RCGT) Ottawa.
Valued at $2,500, the scholarship is given annually to one Carleton student planning on pursuing a Chartered Accountant (CA) designation and is awarded based on academic merit.
“I learned about the scholarship through the Sprott Careers Twitter account and just decided to go for it and I’m really happy that I did,” Joel said.
Joel is currently completing a co-op term at accounting firm Collins Barrow in Ottawa and plans on pursuing a CA designation after graduation.
“When we look at the candidates, we’re looking for a really well-rounded individual,” said Shawn Mincoff, a partner in the audit practice at RCGT Ottawa. “Joel had really good academic grades, takes part in extracurriculars and just seems to be one of those people who excel at everything they do.”
“We want to help support students in their academic careers and this scholarship aims to help make that a bit easier on them financially,” Mincoff said.
Sprott students – For more scholarship opportunities, be sure to read the Sprott off the Press undergraduate newsletter sent out every Friday.