BIB student Mimi Lam awarded international women in business scholarship

Fourth-year international business student Mimi Lam has been awarded the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship, valued at $US 7,000.
Awarded annually by Zonta International, the scholarship is given to 12 recipients selected from 32 different districts spanning 20 countries.
Lam was first selected at the local level by Ottawa’s Zonta chapter, then at the district level, before finally being selected as one of the 12 international recipients.
Judith Ainsworth is the chairman of the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship of the Zonta Club Ottawa chapter and she said Mimi exemplifies many of the qualities women need to succeed in business.
“The selection committee was extremely impressed with her drive to succeed and not settle for anything less than holding a top management position in the traditionally masculine world of finance,” Ainsworth said.
Mimi is in the Bachelor of International Business (BIB) program with a concentration in Global Financial Management and Systems. She is a Sector Manager for The Fund@Sprott, the school’s student-managed investment portfolio, and is co-president of the Sprott Finance Students Association.
Mimi is in the Mandarin stream of the BIB program and studied abroad in Shanghai during her third year. She also travelled to Belgium last year to compete in the NIBS Worldwide Case Competition, where the Sprott team took the bronze medal.
The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship program helps women pursue undergraduate and master’s degrees in business management and overcome gender barriers from the classroom to the boardroom. Recipients are selected based on their outstanding academic record and demonstrated initiative, ambition and commitment to pursuing a career in business.
Since the inception of the program in 1998, Zonta has awarded 314 Scholarships (includes international awards and second award recipients) totaling US $663,800 to 247 women representing 44 countries.